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Can An Online Doctor Give You Sick Note?

Feeling too ill to work is a big worry. Did you know an online doctor can give you a sick note? This article explains how that works, making it easier for you to rest and recover. Keep reading, it’s interesting!

Online Doctors and Sick Notes

Online sick notes are digital medical certificates you can obtain from an online doctor. These notes cover your absence from work and usually require an online consultation with a healthcare professional.

What are online sick notes?

Online sick notes are digital versions of the paper notes a doctor gives you when you’re too ill to work. A healthcare professional can send one to you after an online video chat or phone call.

They prove that a medical expert has checked your health and thinks you need time off.

These notes, also known as fit notes or statements of fitness for work, cover various health issues. They can range from physical injuries to mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

If your job affects your health, the note might suggest workplace adjustments. Your employer needs this note to give you sick pay or adjust your duties at work.

How do they work?

Getting a sick note from an online doctor is straightforward and convenient. This process allows you to obtain medical evidence for your employer or for claiming benefits without leaving home. Here’s how it usually works:


  1. Find an online GP service. Many websites offer this service, including
  2. Sign up and book an appointment. You’ll need to provide some basic information like your name, date of birth, and National Insurance number.
  3. Attend the virtual meeting. Use your laptop or smartphone to talk with the GP through a video call.
  4. Discuss your health issue honestly. The GP will ask about your symptoms, how they affect your work, and any treatment you’re receiving.
  5. The doctor decides if you need a sick note. They might suggest hospital treatment or seeing a specialist like a physiotherapist if necessary.
  6. If you need a sick note, the GP writes it during the call. They include details like when you should stay off work and any workplace adaptations that could help.
  7. Receive your sick note digitally. The GP emails it to you, or you download it from their website.
  8. Send the sick note to your employer or use it to claim benefits such as Employment and Support Allowance.


This process makes getting support easier, especially when dealing with mental illness or work-related stress that makes going out tough. Remember, every step is designed with your health and safety in mind, keeping everything confidential according to General Medical Council guidelines.

Benefits and limitations

Online doctors and the sick notes they provide are changing the game for many people. It’s easier and faster than ever to obtain a note for work or school. But, like anything, there are pros and cons to consider.

Here’s a look at the benefits and limitations:


Benefits Limitations
Convenient access from anywhere Not always accepted by employers or schools
Quick consultation and turnaround May lack personal touch of in-person visits
No need to travel or wait in a clinic Some health issues require physical examination
Can be more cost-effective Limited by technology; requires internet
Privacy and comfort of your own home Potential for misunderstanding without face-to-face communication


Online sick notes offer a modern solution for verifying your health condition without leaving home. They work by providing a digital certificate after an online consultation. This process is not only efficient but also aligns well with today’s digital lifestyle. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the limitations, such as the acceptance of these notes and the potential need for a more thorough examination for certain conditions. Despite these challenges, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for many.

Obtaining a Sick Note from an Online Doctor Like MedicalCert. co. uk

Get a sick note from an online doctor at Learn about the online consultation process and what information is needed. Find out about MedicalCert costs and turnaround times for obtaining your sick note.

How the online consultation process works

Online doctors make getting a sick note simple. You can do it from home.

  1. Search for a reliable online healthcare platform like
  2. Choose the service you need.
  3. Fill in your details. Share what’s wrong and why you need a sick note.
  4. Fill out the online consultation.
  5. A GP will review the information.
  6. If they agree you need time off, they prepare your digital sick note.
  7. They send it straight to your email. Now you have proof for work or benefits claims.

This process helps people who are feeling too ill to go to the GP surgery in person. It’s also great if you’re dealing with stress linked to work, but find it hard to leave your house because of distress or anxiety symptoms like panic attacks or phobias.

With an online consultation, support is quick and privacy is high, making it easier to manage health problems without added stress of going out when feeling bad, especially important now with concerns about face coverings and public places.

This way of seeing a doctor supports employees, carers, and anyone unemployed needing proof for welfare payments or jobseeker’s allowance without delay or hassle.

Online services like these keep getting better, aiming for everyone to access help when they need it most while staying safe at home.

What information is needed

After learning how online consultations work, it’s time to find out what you need for a sick note. Getting a sick note from an online doctor like requires specific details. Here’s what you should have ready:

  1. Full Name – Your complete legal name helps the doctor file your information accurately.
  2. Date of Birth – This confirms your age and is essential for medical records.
  3. Address – Your home address is needed for registration and sometimes sending documents.
  4. Email Address – Doctors use this to send digital sick notes directly to you.
  5. Phone Number – For any direct communication or questions about your health or the sick note process.
  6. Photo or video of Illness or Injury – A brief explanation of your symptoms or condition guides the GP in assessing your need for a sick note.
  7. Work Information – Sharing where you work and what you do can help the doctor understand how your illness affects your job.
  8. Photo Identification – A driving licence or passport photo ensures that the person requesting the sick note is really you.
  9. Details of Previous Sick Leave – If you’ve taken sick leave before, these details can show patterns that might be relevant to your current condition.


To get a sick note, all these pieces of information are necessary. They allow the GP to make accurate assessments and provide the documentation you need, whether it’s for paid sick leave, job seekers allowance, or other benefits like statutory maternity pay or state pension adjustments due to health issues. Make sure everything is at hand when starting your consultation to simplify the process.

MedicalCert Costs and turn around times.

When looking into obtaining a sick note from an online doctor, emerges as a convenient option. Here’s a breakdown of costs and turnaround times you can expect:

Service Cost Turnaround Time
Standard Sick Note £35 1-2 Business Days
Express Sick Note £39 By 9am next day


Yes, online doctors can give you a sick note for work or other needs. They chat with you over the internet and decide if you’re too ill to work. You have to share your health details just like you would at an NHS GP practice.

Websites like make it easy, asking for some info and then sending the note quickly. This method saves time and helps when seeing a doctor in person is hard.


1. Can an online doctor from the NHS give you a sick note?

Yes, an online GP can provide you with a sick note if they believe your health condition affects your ability to work.

2. What reasons might I need a sick note for from an online doctor?

You may need a sick note for various reasons such as work-related stress, parental leave, or conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD).

3. How do I get a sick note for statutory sick pay or universal credit?

An online GP can assess you and issue a sick note which you can use to claim statutory sick pay or universal credit if you’re unable to work due to illness.

5. Can an occupational therapist working with my online GP help me adjust my workplace for better health and safety?

Yes, based on advice from your online GP and occupational therapist, adjustments can be made at your workplace to ensure it meets health and safety standards conducive to your well-being.

6. If I’m advised by my online doctor to wear a face mask due to disability or illness, will this affect my job?

Your employer should accommodate reasonable adjustments recommended by healthcare professionals including wearing masks at work under guidance from ACAS and workplace health safety regulations.