Get your medical certificate from £37

Medical Certificate for Scuba Diving

We provide you with a quick and convenient way to get a medical certificate for scuba diving

✓ Apply 24/7 with no appointment necessary
✓ Avoid long appointment wait-times
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Signed by a fully registered GP
✓ Sent to your inbox with optional overnight service


Standard Service

£55 - Receive your medical certificate within 2-4 business days


Express Service

£59 - Your request prioritized and certificate issued within 24hrs or sooner


What our happy customers are saying


How it works

1. Complete an online health questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a medical health questionnaire on our website 24/7.

2. Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our GMC-registered GPs will review and the submitted medical evidence and make a recommendation.

medical certificate medical letter sick note

3. Receive your certificate

Receive your sports medical certificate as soon as same day or within a few working days, straight to your inbox.


What will you receive?

Unless you have a specific form you would like our doctors to sign, you will obtain a verifiable PDF medical certificate bearing the signature of a registered medical doctor, sent directly to your mobile device. This document will include the following information:

✓ Your name and date of birth
✓ Confirmation that you are fit to participate in the sports event
✓ Accepted by events Internationally
✓ Signed and authorised by one of our General Medical Council (GMC) registered UK doctors.
✓ Contact information for Medical Cert for verification purposes.

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About Us

Medical Cert

  • Medical Cert is powered by a team of experienced doctors providing quick & hassle-free medical certification services

    All of our doctors are licensed GPs who hold full registration with the UK General Medical Council and have extensive experience in providing high quality clinical care in various NHS and private settings.

Medical Certificate for Scuba Diving

On a desk, there is a scuba diving medical form, stethoscope, and camera.

Our guide explains what you need to get this medical certificate, making your dive safe and enjoyable.

Learn the steps with us.

The Importance of a Medical Certificate for Scuba Diving

A medical certificate is a must-have for scuba diving. This rule helps ensure that all divers are fit and safe to explore underwater. Before you can start your adventure, doctors need to check if you’re good to go.

They use a special form known as the PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate. This checkup looks at your health and finds any risks that could make diving dangerous for you.

Getting this certificate isn’t just about ticking a box; it’s crucial for keeping everyone safe under the sea. The ocean is full of wonders but also holds risks like pressure changes and the need for physical strength.

Your doctor will ask questions from the scuba medical questionnaire and assess things like blood pressure and fitness level. This way, they make sure you’re ready to handle what comes when diving deep.

What is a Scuba Diving Medical Certificate?

A Scuba Diving Medical Certificate is a document that proves you are healthy enough to scuba dive. Before you can start any PADI course or program, you must fill out a health questionnaire.

This form asks about your medical history. Then, a doctor checks if you’re fit for diving based on PADI standards. These exams happen at clinics across the country. Doctors registered with the General Medical Council conduct them.

You can book your appointment for the evening or weekend too.

This certificate involves checking many things related to your health and fitness for underwater activities. The assessment makes sure diving won’t harm you due to any existing conditions.

It looks into your lung and heart health among other things. Getting this clearance means you’re all set for exploring underwater worlds safely with confidence in your physical well-being.

The Role of Medical Certificates in Scuba Diving

Medical certificates ensure divers are fit and identify health risks. Want to learn more?

Ensuring Fitness for Diving

To make sure you’re fit for diving, a doctor checks if you’ll do well underwater. They look at your health history and give you a physical check-up. This includes taking your blood pressure and looking inside your ears.

It’s like making sure the pieces of a puzzle fit right, so you can have fun and be safe while exploring underwater.

If there’s something in your health that might not work with diving, the doctor will talk about it. You need to bring stuff like photo ID, glasses or contact lenses if you use them, and details about any medicines or ongoing health issues.

Plus, don’t forget the PADI Scuba Diving Medical Form! This step is key to getting cleared for jumping into the ocean and joining diving adventures.

Identifying Potential Health Risks

Doctors check your blood pressure and both ear canals during the PADI Scuba Diving Medical. This is because these checks help find health risks related to scuba diving. If a problem exists with your blood pressure or ears, you might face issues while underwater.

High blood pressure can lead to serious conditions when diving deep, just as blocked or damaged ears could hurt when dealing with increased water pressure.

“Fitness to dive isn’t just about how well you swim; it’s also about how ready your body is for what’s beneath the waves.”

Clinics give out medical certificates for scuba diving after assessing these and other health risks. They look at your full medical history too. This step makes sure divers are safe to explore undersea worlds without risking their health.

Identifying dangers early stops accidents and ensures everyone enjoys their time underwater safely.

Cost of a Scuba Diving Medical Certificate

Obtaining a scuba diving medical certificate has associated costs, which vary based on standard pricing and discounts for select clinics. If you’re curious about the specifics, I encourage you to read more.

Standard Pricing

Understanding the cost of obtaining a PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate is crucial for anyone planning to explore underwater worlds. The fee for this essential document is £115. This price ensures that all scuba divers meet the health requirements necessary for a safe diving experience.

This fee covers the costs of a thorough health examination. The examination includes checking your fitness levels and discussing any potential health risks that might affect your ability to scuba dive safely. Preparing financially for this cost is a key step in your journey to becoming a certified scuba diver.

Discounts for Select Clinics

After discussing the standard pricing, we now move to another important aspect – the discounts available at select clinics for your Scuba Diving Medical Certificate. Just Health, known for offering a variety of medical services, provides competitive discounts at certain clinics. This can make the process of obtaining your medical certificate more affordable.These offers aim to make Scuba Diving Medical Certificates more accessible to a wider audience. Whether you’re a new diver or part of a diving club, these discounts can help reduce the cost of ensuring you’re fit for underwater adventures.

What’s Involved in Obtaining a PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate?

To receive a PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate, there is a thorough medical examination and fitness assessment. Read More!

Medical Examination

A doctor checks if you can safely go scuba diving during the medical examination. They follow PADI Guidelines to make sure. The check-up includes questions about your health history and a physical exam.

This exam looks at your height, weight, blood pressure, and ears very closely.

“Our GMC Registered Doctors conduct a thorough assessment for £115.”

You can book your appointment for evenings or weekends at clinics all across the country. This makes it easy to find a time that works for you without having to change your plans too much.

Fitness Assessment

Doctors assess your fitness for scuba diving during the fitness evaluation. They check your medical history and do a physical exam. This includes measuring your height and weight, checking blood pressure, and looking at both ear canals.

These checks help to make sure you are healthy enough for underwater activities.

The assessment also involves answering questions about any health issues you might have. This step is crucial because some conditions may affect your ability to safely participate in water sports like scuba diving.

The doctor uses PADI Guidelines to decide if you can dive or if there might be risks.

Discussion of Potential Risks

The medical examination for a scuba diving certificate aims to identify any health conditions that could pose a risk during dives. This includes assessing potential risks such as barotrauma, which can occur due to pressure changes underwater.

The doctor will also evaluate the risk of conditions like ear infections and sinus problems, which could affect equalisation while descending. Understanding these potential risks is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of divers during recreational activities.

The evaluation also considers medical history, blood pressure levels, and physical fitness to assess the risk of decompression illness or other issues that may arise during dives. Asthma and cardiac conditions require additional tests not covered in the standard assessment, highlighting their significance in determining an individual’s suitability for diving.

How to Prepare for Your Medical Examination for the Certificate

Prepare for your medical examination by gathering necessary documents and mentally preparing. Bring required paperwork and get yourself in the right mindset.

Necessary Documents to Bring

To ensure a smooth medical examination process for the PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate, you need to bring the following necessary documents:

  1. Your PADI Scuba Diving Medical Form.
  2. Photo ID (e.g., driver’s license) for identification purposes.
  3. If you wear them, bring your driving glasses/contact lenses.
  4. Detailed information about any existing medical conditions and medications you are currently taking.
  5. Your Medical Summary Care Records to provide comprehensive medical history.

After preparing these essential documents, you will be ready for your medical examination appointment.

Next, let’s explore the physical and mental preparation required for the medical examination.

Physical and Mental Preparation

The Process of Receiving Your Medical Certificate

Receiving your PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate involves the following steps:

  1. Arrive for your medical examination with necessary documents, including photo ID and details of any ongoing medical conditions or medication.
  2. Undergo a thorough physical examination, including assessment of height, weight, blood pressure, and examination of ear canals.
  3. Discuss your medical history and any relevant issues with the doctor.
  4. Complete the scuba diving medical questionnaire as part of the assessment process.
  5. Once deemed fit for diving, receive your PADI Scuba Diving Medical Certificate to pursue your diving adventures.
  6. Remember to bring any prescription glasses or contact lenses and provide their details during the examination.
  7. Take advantage of Just Health’s same – day appointment service for emergencies if needed at one of their accessible clinics with parking available.

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The Role of Just Health in Providing Scuba Diving Medical Certificates

Just Health plays a crucial role in issuing Scuba Diving Medical Certificates. Its team of experienced doctors ensures thorough medical examinations and fitness assessments are carried out, meeting the stringent requirements for diving certifications.

Team of Doctors

The team of doctors at Just Health is associated with providing Scuba Diving Medical Certificates. They offer fast, friendly, and efficient service while delivering a reassuring experience for customers.

The clinic has completed medicals for various individuals, businesses, and organisations. Additionally, they provide same-day appointments in case of emergencies.

Experience with Individuals, Businesses, and Organisations

Just Health has extensive experience conducting medical assessments for a wide range of clients, including RUK Renewables UK, BASC Firearms, DVLA HGV D4 C1 PCV Driver Medicals, Seafarers Medical ML5, Camp America Medical, Channel Swimming Association, England Boxing Medical and BKFC Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship.

Moreover, the overwhelming positive feedback from over 5148 authenticated verified reviews underscores their reputation in delivering exceptional medical services to various individuals and organisations.

Establishing a Business Account with Just Health for Scuba Diving Medical Certificates

Here’s the content as per your requirements:

“Establishing a business account with Just Health for scuba diving medical certificates allows organisations to streamline the process and ensure their employees meet the required medical standards for diving.

  • Access to GMC registered doctors who specialise in conducting PADI scuba diving medical assessments.
  • Expedited appointments, including same – day bookings, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.
  • Tailored business packages offering cost-effective solutions for multiple employee assessments.
  • Comprehensive medical assessments that adhere to professional association of diving instructor standards.
  • Detailed reports provided for each employee, outlining their fitness for recreational diving based on evidence-based medical examinations.
  • Ongoing support and guidance from Just Health’s experienced team throughout the process.
  • Assurance of compliance with relevant regulatory bodies and industry standards, such as DAN Europe and WRSTC.
  • Integration of medical certificate management into existing occupational health programmes, offering a holistic approach to employee well-being.
  • Opportunities for businesses to access additional services, including driver medicals and hyperbaric medicine consultations.”

Customer Feedback and Reviews on Just Health’s Scuba Diving Medical Certificates

Just Health’s Scuba Diving Medical Certificates have received over 5148 verified reviews, with overwhelmingly positive feedback on professionalism, friendliness, convenience, and value for money.

The reviews highlight the exceptional customer experience provided by Just Health, emphasising their expertise in conducting doctor assessments for divers and their commitment to ensuring medical fitness to dive.

Customers also appreciate the same day appointment booking facility and the high standard of service delivered by their team of experienced doctors.


Scuba diving medical certificates are crucial for ensuring safe diving practices and identifying potential health risks. PADI scuba diving medicals involve a thorough examination by registered doctors, with easy access to appointments.

Just Health has received glowing feedback from a wide range of clients, solidifying their reputation for reliable and professional services. Whether it’s for recreational or professional purposes, obtaining a scuba diving medical certificate is an essential step in guaranteeing safety and enjoyment underwater.


1. What is a medical certificate for scuba diving?

A medical certificate for scuba diving shows that a doctor has checked you and found you fit to dive safely.

2. Who needs a medical certificate to start scuba diving?

Anyone who wants to learn scuba diving with instructors or join diver training programmes must have a medical certificate proving they are at an acceptable risk level for underwater activities.

3. Can any doctor give me this medical check-up?

No, only specific doctors trained in undersea medicine, like those certified by the Divers Alert Network (DAN) or the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, should do your diving medical exam.

4. What does the check-up involve?

The check-up looks into your overall health by examining things like your heart and lung function to ensure safety while diving. It may also include tests recommended by organisations like RSTC Europe or CMAS.

5. Why is safety so important in recreational scuba diving?

Scuba diving can put pressure on your body in ways normal activities don’t, so making sure divers are medically fit helps prevent accidents and ensures everyone’s safety underwater.

6. Where can I find more information about staying safe while diving?

For detailed advice on dive safety and health standards, look up resources from the Divers Alert Network (DAN), World Recreational Scuba Training Council, or European Underwater Federation online.