Get your medical certificate from £37

Get a Student or University Mitigation Letter

We provide you with a quick and convenient way to get an official student mitigation letter when you need it.

✓ Apply 24/7 with no appointment necessary
✓ Avoid long appointment wait-times
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Signed by a fully registered experienced GP
✓ Sent to your inbox with optional overnight service


Get your medical certificate delivered straight to your inbox from £37


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How it Works


Complete a short online questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a short medical questionnaire and upload a 30 second video of your symptoms or other medical evidence.


Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our FCDO and GMC registered GPs will review and validate the submitted medical evidence.

medical certificate medical letter sick note


Receive your certificate

Receive your doctors note or sick note as soon as same day or next working day, straight to your inbox.





 ✅ Next day delivery before 9AM.

 ✅ Delivered to your inbox.

 ✅ Signed by a fully registered GP.


Asked Questions

How do I get an urgent medical letter or certificate?

It’s quick and easy! Simply complete the brief online questionnaire and complete the payment. After purchasing your medical letter online, a doctor will review the medical evidence the same day and we will provide you with your unique medical certificate for you to present to your work place or institution. There is no need to have a telemedicine or online consultation to receive a medical letter. Our Doctors may call or email you directly if they have any additional questions.

Can I get a sick note or medical letter without seeing a doctor?

All medical letters including sick notes must be signed and certified by a doctor, but you do not always need to see a GP to get one. Our revolutionary service allows you to be assessed by one of our GPs without needing an appointment, simply by uploading your concerns and evidence through our forms. One of our GPs will then consider your medical history, current symptoms, and any potential risks associated with your condition and work or study environment before issuing your medical certificate. You will then receive the letter directly to your inbox.

What medical evidence will you require?

We will require you to upload:
✓ A photo / copy of your Passport or driver’s licence to confirm your identity
✓ Complete a short medical questionnaire
✓ Upload a short video or photographs via your mobile confirming your symptoms and reason for a medical letter

Do you provide refunds?

We always provide full refunds if we are unable to provide a Medical Letter in your situation, so you can submit your requests with peace of mind. Once a medical certificate or sick note has been issued we are unable to offer refunds.

How soon will I receive my medical letter or certificate?

Our team of GPs will review your medical evidence and questionnaire on the same day and provide you with your medical letter or certificate within 1 working day. We also offer a guaranteed by 9 a.m. service for medical letters for evidence that has been uploaded by 11 p.m. (UTC/GMT) Sunday - Thursday. With our express overnight service you will receive your medical letter or certificate in your inbox overnight by 9 a.m. the next day. For example, an application submitted at 11 p.m. on a Thursday night will be assessed and delivered by 9 a.m. on Friday morning.

Who will sign my Medical Letters and medical certificates?

All of the doctors at Medical Cert are fully licensed GMC-registered GPs, unlike many other services who use very junior non-specialist doctors, which may sometimes cause their letters to be rejected. You can submit any letters you receive from Medical Cert with full confidence, knowing that an experienced GP has signed your document. We are a UK based healthcare service but the certificates can be used internationally. All of our Doctors are registered GPs with the UK General Medical Council.

Can a sick leave letter be backdated?

Yes, we are able to backdate letters provided you are able to submit some evidence to indicate when you became unwell. Our sick notes are valid for up to 14 days at a time, but can be extended if you remain unwell.

Can you complete a specific form required by my institution or workplace?

Yes, in most cases we can help with special forms required by some institutions. Simply upload the required form with your medical evidence.

Can your doctor’s letters be verified by my workplace or institution?

Absolutely. Each letter or certificate issued will have a unique reference number and can be verified free of charge by emailing us at

Can you issue an NHS “Statement of Fitness for Work” also known as “Fit Notes”?

We facilitate access to private medical letters and do not issue Med3 Fit Notes. Med3 Fit Notes are required for UK government benefit applications and can be obtained through your registered NHS GP. If you require a private medical letter for most other purposes, we are here to assist you in obtaining a doctor’s letter conveniently and quickly.

Student & University Mitigation Letter

Facing tough times while studying can affect your grades. A mitigation letter is key to getting help. This article shows you how to explain your situation through a letter, offering solutions.

Read on; it could be the lifeline you need.

Key Takeaways

  • Mitigating circumstances are serious events like illness or family issues that make it hard for students to do well in school.
  • A mitigation letter helps students tell their university about these tough times and ask for support, such as extensions on deadlines or exam accommodations.
  • Evidence, like a doctor’s note, is needed when asking for mitigating circumstances to prove the situation is serious.
  • Universities have resources and policies in place to help students facing challenges, including counseling and academic support services.
  • Students should act fast when requesting mitigation by submitting their letters as soon as possible after an incident affects their studies.

Understanding Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances are reasons that make it hard for students to do their best in school. These can include health issues, family problems or unexpected events.


Mitigating circumstances are serious events that badly affect a student’s health or personal life. These can be things like getting very sick, having mental health struggles, going through tough personal problems, or facing unexpected and unavoidable situations.

They have to be big issues that really change how a student can handle their school work.

These events must come as a surprise and cause more than just a little bit of trouble for the student. For example, if someone is dealing with anxiety, has been in an abusive relationship, gets hurt in an accident, or faces sudden financial problems – these all count as mitigating circumstances.

It means something happened that makes it much harder for them to do well in exams or finish their assignments on time.

Examples of mitigating circumstances

Moving on from what mitigating circumstances mean, let’s delve into some real-life examples. These situations show why students might need support or adjustments to their exams and coursework deadlines.

  1. Illness or injury: If a student gets very sick or has an accident, it can stop them from studying or taking tests. A doctor’s note can serve as proof.
  2. Bereavement: Losing a loved one is hard. This emotional stress can make academic work challenging.
  3. Financial problems: Severe money issues can distract a student from their studies and cause significant stress.
  4. Family or personal situations: Issues at home, such as caring for a sick relative, can take time away from studies.
  5. Mental health conditions: Conditions like depression or anxiety can affect a student’s ability to focus and perform academically. A medical professional’s letter is usually needed here.
  6. Experiencing violence: Being a victim of crimes such as mugging or domestic violence can have a profound impact on mental and physical well-being.
  7. Disabilities: Students with both visible and invisible disabilities might find certain aspects of academia more challenging without the right support in place.
  8. Racial trauma: Encountering racial bias, hate crimes, or race-based traumatic stress affects mental health and academic focus.
  9. Emergencies: Unexpected events like house fires or needing to go to hospital mean a student cannot attend exams or meet deadlines.

Each of these examples requires different kinds of evidence, such as letters from doctors, psychologists, social workers, or even police reports and death certificates. The key point is that these circumstances are unexpected, significant, and out of the student’s control, making it reasonable to ask for adjustments through a mitigating circumstances letter to university example provided by relevant authorities for reference and guidance in drafting their requests effectively.

How Mitigating Circumstances Affect Students

Mitigating circumstances can change how students do in school. If a student is dealing with tough times, like being sick or losing someone close, it might be hard for them to focus on studies or exams.

Schools know this and have ways to help, like letting students hand in work late or retake tests.

Possible impacts on academic performance

Mitigating circumstances like illness or personal problems can make it hard for students to do well in exams and assignments. These issues might cause them to miss classes or not be able to focus on their studies.

If a student is dealing with bereavement, they might find it especially tough to keep up with schoolwork over time.

Universities have ways to help students who face these challenges. They can ask for a mitigation letter that explains their situation. This request helps the university understand what the student is going through.

Next, we’ll look into what a mitigation letter is and why it’s important.

How universities handle mitigating circumstances

Universities take students’ problems seriously. They have special policies to help those facing tough times like sickness or family issues. Students need to show proof of what’s going on, such as a note from a doctor or nurse.

This evidence helps the university understand the student’s situation better.

After getting the proof, universities can make fair choices about exams and assignments. They might give extra time for work, arrange for a later exam date, or adjust grades considering the circumstances.

Each university has its own way of doing things, but they all aim to support their students as best as they can.

What is a Mitigation Letter

A mitigation letter is a way for students to tell their university about tough times they’re going through. It helps explain why these challenges might affect their school work or exams.


A mitigation letter helps students tell their universities about tough times affecting their studies. It’s a way to explain why they might not have done well in exams or assignments due to mitigating circumstances.

These could be health issues, family problems, or other serious events. By sharing this information, students can seek understanding and possibly some adjustments to their grades or deadlines.

Students write this letter when they face challenges that are out of their control. They must show evidence of these hardships, like a doctor’s note for illness or injury. This doesn’t mean the university will automatically change their grades, but it lets the school consider these factors fairly.

Writing a clear and honest letter is key for students hoping to have their situation understood by the university staff responsible for making decisions on such matters.

When to request a mitigation letter

Knowing why you might need a mitigation letter leads to the next important part: figuring out the right time to ask for one. You should request a mitigating circumstances letter if something serious and unplanned happens that affects your study or exam performance.

These situations could include getting ill, facing a family crisis, or experiencing an unexpected traumatic event.

Start the process as soon as you realise you can’t meet your academic responsibilities because of these issues. Don’t wait until after exams or assignment deadlines have passed. Quick action is key.

Asking for help early shows that you’re responsible and proactive about your education despite facing tough times.

How to write a mitigation letter

Writing a mitigation letter can seem tough, but it’s your chance to explain how unexpected events have impacted your studies. Here’s how you can write one effectively:

  1. Start with your personal details. Include your name, student ID, and contact information at the top of the letter.
  2. Address the letter properly. Find out who is responsible for mitigating circumstances in your university and address the letter to them.
  3. Express gratitude early in the letter. Thank them for taking the time to consider your situation.
  4. Clearly state the purpose of your letter. Explain that you are writing to inform them of unexpected situations that have affected your academic performance.
  5. Describe your circumstances clearly and honestly. Mention what these challenges were, whether it was illness, financial problems, or any other significant event.
  6. Provide evidence to support your claims. Attach documents from medical practitioners, coroners, or any relevant professional who can verify your situation.
  7. Explain what you have done to try and overcome these barriers so far; whether you’ve sought help from healthcare professionals or used university resources.
  8. Outline what you hope will happen next. Specify what action you wish the university to take, whether it’s an extension for assignments or consideration during exams.
  9. Reassure them of your commitment to your studies despite these challenges.
  10. End with a courteous closing line thanking them again for their understanding and support.


Make sure every part of this process is handled with care – from finding out who to send the letter to right down to attaching all necessary evidence correctly.

Steps to Request Mitigating Circumstances

To ask for mitigating circumstances, gather all proof of your situation first. Then, submit a form on with your evidence attached.

Required evidence

Students must give proof in their mitigating circumstances letter. This evidence needs to be trustworthy and strong. It should clearly show what the issues are and when they happened.

If students have health problems, a doctor’s note can serve as evidence. For non-medical issues, they might need documents from a lawyer or police officer.

Sometimes, universities ask for a special form along with the mitigation request. Students should check what their university wants. Up next is how to make your request on

How to make a request on

Requesting a mitigation letter on is simple. This website helps you get the documents you need if personal issues affect your schoolwork. Here’s what to do:


  1. Visit and find the section for mitigating circumstances. This spot lets you start the process.
  2. Choose the type of letter you need. Make sure it fits what’s going on with you, like if you’re sick or something else happened.
  3. Fill in details about your situation honestly. Talk about how it’s messing with your school tasks.
  4. Provide evidence supporting your claim. This could be a note from a GP (doctor) or proof of what happened.
  5. Submit your request by pressing the submit button. You’ll need to wait a bit after this step.
  6. Check your email for confirmation. They’ll send details about what they decided.
  7. Download or print the letter once they accept your request. You might need to show it to your university.


This process makes it easier for students dealing with tough times to ask for help through an official letter explaining their situation to their university or college.

Common Examples of Mitigating Circumstances

Students face many challenges that can affect their studies. These are known as mitigating circumstances.

Illness or injury

Having an illness or getting hurt can make it tough for students to keep up with their studies. This could be anything from catching a cold to more severe health issues that need a lot of care from doctors or hospitals.

When sick or injured, students might find it hard to focus, study well, or even attend classes and exams.

To deal with this, students can ask for mitigating circumstances by writing a letter. They should include details about how their sickness or injury has impacted their academic work.

It’s important to back up the request with medical evidence like doctor’s notes or prescriptions. This proves the situation is real and serious, helping universities understand why a student couldn’t perform at their best.


Bereavement hits hard and impacts a student’s life deeply. It is recognised as a significant mitigating circumstance by universities. To prove bereavement, students may need to submit evidence such as a letter from the funeral director or the person who conducted the ceremony.

They also might have to show an Order of Service that lists the date.

Students should remember to ask for help if they are dealing with loss. Universities offer support and understand that bereavement can affect academic performance. Writing a mitigation letter helps explain why grades might drop or why assignments are late.

It’s important for students to speak up and seek adjustments during these tough times.

Financial problems

Just like dealing with bereavement can impact a student’s performance, financial problems also play a big role. Money issues may stop students from doing their best in school. This includes not having enough money for books, course materials, or even living costs.

Universities understand this and often consider it when a student asks for help due to changing situations.

Writing about these troubles in a mitigation letter helps the university see what you’re going through. You should explain how your money problems are making it hard for you to meet your academic responsibilities.

The letter is your chance to ask for some understanding and possibly get support or more time to complete assignments or exams. It’s important that the letter is clear and straight to the point, showing exactly how financial stress is affecting your studies without any unnecessary details.

Family or personal circumstances

Students often face tough times at home that can impact their studies. Financial difficulties, exam stress, or the illness of a loved one are examples of personal circumstances. These challenges can make focusing on school work hard.

Universities understand these struggles and allow students to request special consideration through a mitigation letter. This helps explain why a student may not perform their best due to family or personal issues.

Now, let’s look into obtaining a university sick note for health-related concerns.

Obtaining a University Sick Note

To get a sick note, visit the University Medical Centre if you’ve been unwell. They give notes for students who have received treatment. This note proves to your university or college that illness affected your studies.

If you’re registered with Disability and Additional Support Service (DASS), you might not need medical evidence for mitigating circumstances linked to your support.

Getting this document can help with requests for more time on coursework or exams. It shows that health issues were not in your control. Keep in mind, illnesses supported by past medical reports can also count.

Next, we’ll look into additional support avenues available for students navigating these challenges.

Additional Support for Students

Universities offer many resources to help students facing tough times. This includes advice on how to appeal grades and get more time for work if you need it due to personal issues.

University resources for mitigating circumstances

Universities want to help students facing tough times. They offer many resources for those dealing with mitigating circumstances.

  1. Academic support services: Here, students can get help with their studies. This might include extra tutoring or getting advice on managing workload.
  2. Course adjustments: Sometimes a student can change deadlines or get different assignments. This helps if they have missed classes because of their situation.
  3. Medical services: Universities provide health care for students. They can see doctors, nurses, or mental health professionals if they are sick or stressed.
  4. Counseling sessions: Talking to a counselor can help students deal with emotional stress from personal issues or academic pressure.
  5. Special arrangements for exams: If a student cannot take an exam at the usual time, the university might let them take it later.
  6. Interruptions or withdrawals: In serious cases, a student might need to take a break from university. The school helps them plan this break and come back when they’re ready.
  7. Changes in enrollment: Students might switch courses or universities if it’s too hard to continue where they are due to their circumstances.
  8. Complaint procedures: If students feel their problems aren’t being handled well, they can file a complaint.
  9. DASS support for disabilities or learning difficulties: This service helps students who find learning tough because of disabilities or other challenges.

Each of these options is there to make sure that no student has to face tough times alone while studying at university.

Academic appeals and complaints

Students can use the Academic Appeals Procedure to challenge their exam or course work results. This means if someone thinks there was a mistake in marking or how their work was judged, they can appeal.

But remember, you can’t appeal just because you disagree with a teacher’s opinion on your work’s quality.

Complaints are different. If a student is unhappy with something the university did or didn’t do, they can make a complaint. This could be about anything from poor teaching to problems with facilities like libraries or labs.

Any student, alone or in groups, and even recent graduates have the right to raise these concerns formally.

Obtaining extensions for assignments

Getting more time for assignments is possible if you need it. If something unexpected affects your work, you can ask for up to 5 extra days. This short extension helps when small problems come up.

For bigger challenges, the university might let you submit your coursework 7 days late.

Your request goes to a group who decides what help you get. They look at every case carefully to make sure students have what they need to do well in their studies. If you have a plan like the Study Support Plan or Learning Agreement because of special learning needs, there’s no limit on how many times you can ask for more time.

DASS support for students with disabilities or learning difficulties

After exploring how to obtain extensions for assignments, students should also consider the support available through Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS). DASS offers guidance and backing for pupils with disabilities or learning challenges.

If you’re studying at a university like the University of Manchester, you can access help tailored to your needs.

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) gives extra funding to eligible learners. This aid isn’t based on your income or nationality. It’s there to support your studies if you have a recognised disability.

At universities in England, services ensure fair treatment by making necessary adjustments so everyone has an equal chance at success. For DASS registered students, often no medical proof is needed for requests related to their condition.


Writing a mitigation letter can show universities you’re serious about your study. It helps explain why things got tough and what you’ve faced. These letters play a big part in speaking up for students when life throws challenges their way.

Always remember, getting help and asking for more time or support is okay. Universities are there to help you succeed, not just during the easy times but also through the hard ones.


1. What is a mitigation letter for university students?

A mitigation letter is a way for students to explain special circumstances like illness, abuse, or other serious issues that affected their studies.

2. How do I write a mitigating circumstances letter?

When writing your letter, clearly describe the problem such as medical conditions, exams stress or any personal issues. Include evidence like doctor’s notes if you’re talking about health problems.

3. Can I mention mental health in my extenuating circumstances letter?

Yes, it’s important to talk about mental health issues such as anxiety or depression that impacted your ability to study or take exams.

4. What examples can I include in my extenuating circumstances letter?

You can mention situations like dealing with racism, experiencing a break-in at home, suffering from colds during exam time or facing difficult life events such as sexual assault.

5. Who should I send my extenuating circumstances appeal to?

Send your detailed and honest appeal letter directly to the university department handling student support services or the specific committee looking after mitigation requests.

6. Will universities accept letters for all types of mitigating circumstances?

Universities consider each case carefully but generally accept letters for serious reasons including sudden medical diagnoses, family emergencies and significant personal challenges affecting academic performance.