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Can You Get A Sick Note For University?

Feeling under the weather and worried about missing university classes or exams? You’re not alone. Our guide will show you how to get a sick note for university, step by step. Keep reading to find out more.

Understanding Sick Notes in University Context

A student holding a sick note in a university office.

Understanding Sick Notes in University Context is crucial for students. It involves knowing the requirements and self-certification processes for short-term illnesses.

Sick Note Requirements for University Students

University students don’t need a sick note for illnesses that last less than six days. For short-term sickness, you can self-certify. This means you tell the school yourself that you’re ill, without needing a doctor’s note.

You can do this for up to 7 days.

If your illness lasts longer, the university might ask for a medical certificate from a GP or another healthcare worker. It’s illegal to use a fake sick note. Universities can check with your doctor to make sure your note is real.

Next, let’s look at how to get one of these notes if you’re unwell.

Self-certification Process for Short-term Illnesses

Self-certification lets you tell the Health Centre if you’re sick for a short time, like 1 to 5 days. You get a form and fill it out yourself. This way, you don’t need a doctor’s note for each headache or day when light hurts your eyes.

It’s all about following rules so everything is clear and fair.

Taking charge of our health information keeps us informed and responsible.

Read the Self Certification Policy to know when to do this. It guides you on how to self-certify properly without breaking any policies at university.

Steps to Acquire a Sick Note for University

A student receiving a medical certificate in a doctor's office.

Consult a doctor or university healthcare services for a sick note. Get a medical certificate online for university absence.

Consulting a Doctor for a Sick Note

To get a sick note for university, visit your general practitioner (GP). They can give you guidance and issue a fit note if they find you’re not well enough to attend classes. This note tells the university that a medical professional has checked you and you need time off.

Make sure to explain how your illness affects your studies so your GP understands your situation.

You could also use telemedicine services if getting to a clinic is hard. Many GPs now offer appointments online or by phone. This way, you can talk about your symptoms and get advice without leaving home.

If the GP agrees you should stay away from university, they will send you an electronic sick note. Be honest with them about what’s wrong to ensure they give the best advice.

Utilising University Healthcare Services for a Sick Note

If seeing a doctor feels hard, your university’s health center might be easier. They have nurses and general practitioners ready to help. These healthcare workers can check your health problems like migraines or sensitivity to light.

If they think you need it, they will give you a sick note for your classes.

The university health service also understands how the school works better than outside doctors do. They know about the sickness policy that doesn’t need a note if you’re ill for less than six days.

But if you miss more time, they can write medical letters for you. This way, your professors will know why you were away and that it was for a real health reason.

Issuance of Medical Certificates for University Absence

After visiting university health services, you might need a medical certificate. This step is vital for longer absences from your studies due to illness. Doctors or healthcare providers in hospitals will assess your condition.

They decide if your health affects your university work.

They then write a note confirming this. It’s called issuing a medical certificate. The process involves doctors collecting data on your health and writing it down as evidence. This note shows that you were indeed unwell.

You must give this document to the university so they understand why you missed classes or could not complete work on time.

Medical certificates act as solid proof of illness, using electronic communications to keep records safe and secure. Universities often ask for these certificates to verify absences for more than seven days, following laws about self-certification limits.


Yes, you can get a sick note for university. If you’re ill for less than six days, universities don’t ask for one. But if your illness lasts longer or affects exams, a doctor’s letter will help.

You can fill out a self-certification form too. And remember, each place has its own rules about medical proof. So always check what your school needs. This way, you make sure your health doesn’t hurt your studies more than it has to.


1. Can I get a sick note for university?

Yes, you can get a sick note for university if you are unwell. You need to see a doctor who will assess your condition and provide the necessary medical evidence.

2. Do universities check doctors’ notes?

Universities may verify the authenticity of doctors’ notes by checking details provided against their records or contacting the physician directly, ensuring they adhere to General Medical Council guidelines.

3. How do I write a sick note for my university?

You don’t have to write your own sick note; instead, visit your doctor who will evaluate you and issue an official sick note that explains why you’re unable to attend classes.

4. What happens if I’m an inpatient and can’t attend university?

If you’re hospitalised and become an inpatient, your doctor will provide documentation of your stay and treatment which serves as valid medical evidence for obtaining a sick note from the university.

5. Will my data privacy be protected when submitting a sick note online through my university network?

When submitting any personal information including medical documents over the internet, it’s important that your data privacy is safeguarded. Universities typically ensure this through secure networks and adhering to data protection laws when handling user profiles or any sensitive information shared.

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