Get your medical certificate from £37

Marathon, Half Marathon, Triathlon & Ironman Medical Certificate

We provide you with a quick and convenient way to get medical certificate for marathon, half marathon, triathlon & ironman events.

✓ Apply 24/7 with no appointment necessary
✓ Avoid long appointment wait-times
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Signed by a fully registered experienced GP
✓ Sent to your inbox with optional overnight service


Standard Service

£42 - Receive your medical certificate within 1-2 business days

Click here to get started →

Express Service

£45 - Your request prioritized and certificate issued by 9AM next-day or sooner

Click here to get started →

What our happy customers are saying.


How it works

1. Complete a short online questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a short online consultation form and provide details about your health.

2. Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our GMC-registered GPs will review and validate the submitted medical evidence.

medical certificate medical letter sick note

3. Receive your certificate

Receive your sports medical certificate as soon as same day or next working day, straight to your inbox.


Online Sports Medical Certificate

Many competitive and non-competitive sporting events will require all participants to obtain a medical certificate signed by a doctor. This is particularly common in France and other EU countries.

Common sporting events which may require a doctor signed and stamped medical certificate include the Paris Marathon, Medoc Marathon, Marathon de Sables, L'Etape du Tour, La Marmotte and Triathlons.

Our medical practitioners can issue a hassle-free sports medical certificate on the same day or overnight, straight to your inbox.

This certificate will confirm that you have no contraindications to participating in the sports event.

Skip the hassle of expensive appointments – apply online now and receive your sports medical certificate from only £55.



Asked Questions

How do I get a sports medical certificate?

Simply complete the online questionnaire and complete the payment. After purchasing your medical certificate online, a doctor will review the information provided, and where appropriate will provide you with a certificate for your event. There is no need to have a telemedicine or online consultation to receive a medical letter. Our Doctors may call or email you directly if they have any additional questions.

Can I get a sports medical letter without seeing a doctor?

You do not always need to see a doctor to get one. Our revolutionary service allows you to be assessed by one of our doctors without needing an appointment, simply by uploading your concerns and evidence through our forms. One of our doctors will then consider your medical history, current fitness, and any potential risks associated with your condition for the event before issuing your medical certificate. You will then receive the letter directly to your inbox.

Can you sign the Paris Marathon issued medical certificate?

Absolutely. At the end of our consultation form you'll be given the opportunity to upload any specific forms you need signed. Our doctors regularly sign the Paris Marathon medical certificate for participants.

What will the sports medical certificate say?

Our doctors will evaluate the information you submit and make a judgement on whether an online sports certificate is appropriate for you. If yes, the certificate will say that there are no contraindications to your participation in the sporting event. But we cannot "guarantee fitness".

What information will you require from me?

We will require you to upload:
✓ A photo / copy of your Passport or driver’s licence to confirm your identity
✓ Complete a medical questionnaire
Helpful information to have to hand when completing the form includes your blood pressure, your cholesterol level (screenshots of blood tests from your NHS app is sufficient), and medical history (this can be your summary health record available freely via your GP). These are not required for the certificate, but are very helpful for our doctors to have.

Do you provide refunds?

We always provide full refunds if we are unable to provide a sports Medical certificate in your situation, so you can submit your requests with peace of mind. Once a medical certificate has been issued we are unable to offer refunds.

How soon will I receive my medical letter or certificate?

Our team of GPs will review your medical evidence and questionnaire on the same day and can provide you with your Medical Letter or Certificate within 1 working day. We also offer a guaranteed by 9am service for Medical letters for evidence that has been uploaded by 11pm GMT. With our express overnight service you will receive your medical letter or certificate in your inbox overnight by 9am next day.

Who will sign my sports medical certificates?

All of the doctors at Medical Cert are fully licensed GMC-registered GPs. We are a UK based healthcare service but the certificates can be used internationally. All of our Doctors are registered GPs with the UK General Medical Council.

Can you complete a specific form required by my event ?

Yes, in most cases we can help with special forms required by some events. Simply upload the required form with your medical evidence.

Can your doctor’s letters be verified?

Absolutely. Each letter or certificate issued will have a unique reference number and can be verified free of charge by emailing us at

Can you provide "full diagnostic testing?"

Since we are an online service we are do not perform such tests as ECG, urine analysis and spirometry tests. If you have received these tests elsewhere, you can upload them with your form for our doctors to review.

What would prevent me from getting a signed sports medical certificate?

Our doctors will review each case individually based on the information provided in your e-consultation form. For a healthy person with no medical issues, there is usually nothing that prevents our doctors from producing a certificate for you. If our doctors have any questions regarding your health they will contact you.

Can you sign Sports Certificates for Italian Events?

If your sporting event is in Italy, Italian law for medical sports certification requires you to undertake the following tests within 12 months of your event: a. Resting ECG and a Stress ECG b. Spirometry (a lung function/breath test) You will need to upload the results for the following tests if you would like your Italian sports medical certificate signed. These tests are easily available via various private health providers.

Do you provide certificates for all kinds of sports?

Currently we do not perform the following sports assessments: aviation sports, skydiving events, driving medicals, olympic sports, scuba diving events, or other extreme competitive sports. These will require in-depth testing via a face-to-face sports specialist doctor.

Complete Guide To Getting a Marathon, Triathalon or Ironman Medical Certificate

Getting ready for a marathon and realised you need a medical certificate? It’s a common requirement for runners and participants. Many marathons, half marathons, and triathlons require this document to ensure you do not have any contraindications, which usually indicates that you’re fit to compete. Our guide is here to lead the way, making it simple to get your medical clearance.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Marathon Medical Certificates

Sports Medical Certificates provide essential documentation for participants, including health assessments and fitness evaluations.

– Standard Marathon Medical Certificates just require a current health review, medical history review (including family history) and a simple risk assessment, all of which can be done online.

– In-depth Marathon Medical Certificates (usually reserved for very elite competitive events) sometimes involve comprehensive physical checks, ECG tests, Spirometry, and consultations with medical professionals.

Sports Medical Certificates

Sports medical certificates prove you’re fit for events like marathons, half marathons, triathlons, and Ironman races. Doctors sign these certificates after checking your health and medical history.

To get one of these certificates signed, you must consult a healthcare professional who understands what fitness level is needed for such demanding activities. The check-up includes talking about your medical history and current health and training to find any hidden issues that could become serious during the race or dive.

It’s key to have this done before signing up for big sporting challenges to ensure safety all around, and that you aren’t barred from participating on the big day.

Marathon Fitness Documentation / Health Assessment

For long distance endurance races like marathons, you need proof of being medically fit and healthy. This comes in the form of marathon fitness documentation

Getting this paperwork means visiting a medical professional who understands what the physical demands of running a marathon are, and which pre-existing health conditions put you at risk. They will ask about your health history and any issues that could make running risky for you.

After all checks are done, if everything is okay, they give you a certificate. This document says you have no medical contraindications to participating in running events.

Marathon medical assessments will look at your overall health, paying close attention to your heart and lung health. Cardiac history, and family history of cardiac problems is particularly important to explore. This way, they make sure you can handle the physical stress of a marathon.

During these exams, expect questions about your past health, current medications, and any symptoms you might have. You will be asked to provide a blood pressure reading and provide some information about your current training levels.

A healthy runner is a happy runner—never skip your pre-marathon health assessment.

Feedback on Medical Certification Processes

Continuing from health checks, it’s clear that getting feedback on medical certificate processes is vital. Runners often share their experiences online, helping others understand what to expect.

Participants will review the ease or difficulty in obtaining a marathon medical certificate for events like half marathons and Ironman races.  For some athletes waiting times and costs involved will be key deciding factors.

Medical Cert prides itself on providing one of the most cost-effective options for obtaining a marathon medical certificate.

Runners also discuss how different events have specific needs. For example, a diving fitness document might need more details than one for a running event. 

Such insights make preparing for an event less stressful and guide runners through their preparation journey efficiently.

Steps to Secure Your Marathon Medical Certificate

To secure your marathon medical certificate, choose a certification option that suits your needs and review the event registration requirements. Train according to preparation guidelines and consider charity entry options for sustainable participation.

Ready to learn more?

Options for Certification

You have a few paths to choose from for your marathon medical certificate. You can visit your family doctor, who knows your health history well. They can do the needed checks and give you the certificate if everything looks good. NHS GPs will not always be willing to sign these specialist marathon sports medical certificates, and those that are will likely charge a fee for this service as it is not funded by the NHS. 

Another option is going to a sports medicine clinic, whether a physical one or online such as Medical Cert. These places specialise in athletes’ health and fitness, so they understand what requirements you need to meet for a marathon or triathlon. Medical Cert is experienced in signing sports medical certificates and has helped hundreds of athletes prepare for major marathons such as Paris Marathon or Medoc Marathon.

Some events might even offer medical check-ups on site before race day. This is super handy because you can get everything sorted in one go. Just make sure to check if this service is available and what documents you need to bring along.

Whether it’s for a half marathon or an Ironman event getting certified shows you’re fit and ready for the challenge ahead.

Event Registration Requirements

After exploring certification options, securing a spot in the marathon is next. Marathons often ask runners to meet certain criteria before they can register. This ensures everyone’s safety and readiness for the event.

Marathons require proof of fitness through medical certificates or health clearances. They might also need you to submit forms online or in person at specific locations. Many events will require that you upload your certificate on the event portal online ahead of the event, usually by a given deadline. Each event has its own set of guidelines, which may include age limits, previous race completions, and sometimes qualifying times based on gender and age group.

A marathon is not about running; it’s about proving to yourself that you can do more than you thought possible.

Marathon Preparation and Training Guidelines

Getting ready for a marathon is no small feat. It demands both your body and mind to work together towards one goal. Here are the steps to ensure you’re on track:

  1. Start slow, then build up: Begin with shorter distances. Gradually increase your mileage each week. This helps your body adjust without getting hurt.
  2. Eat right: Your food fuels your runs. Include lots of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains in your diet. Stay hydrated too.
  3. Make a schedule: Consistency is key in training. Plan your runs, cross-training days, and rest days.
  4. Cross-train for strength: Alongside running, add activities like swimming or cycling to build muscle and improve endurance.
  5. Listen to your body: If you feel pain beyond normal soreness, take a break. Pushing through injury can lead to more serious issues.
  6. Sleep well: Quality sleep repairs your muscles and keeps your energy levels high.
  7. Get the right gear: Invest in a good pair of running shoes and comfortable workout clothes that wick away sweat.
  8. Practice race conditions: Mimic the race’s environment by training at similar times of day and on similar terrain when possible.
  9. Stay positive: Mental toughness will carry you through tough training days and the race itself.
  10. Consult professionals: Speak with fitness coaches or health experts for personalised advice tailored to your needs.
  11. Join a group: Training with others provides support and motivation.
  12. Know when to rest: Rest days are vital for recovery and prevent overtraining injuries.
  13. Set realistic goals: Aim for attainable targets to stay motivated throughout your preparation.
  14. Test yourself: Participate in shorter races or time trials to gauge your progress.
  15. Reflect on improvements: Regularly look back at how far you’ve come in training – it boosts confidence!

Charity Entry Considerations

When it comes to charity entries, be aware of the specific requirements set by the event organisers. Some marathons provide opportunities for participants to raise funds for charitable causes as part of their entry process.

It’s essential to explore this option early in your preparation and seek guidance from event websites or directly contact the organisers for detailed information on how you can get involved.

In addition, consider reaching out to charities that resonate with you and inquire if they have partnerships with any marathon events. Many charities have a dedicated running programme, which may offer guaranteed race entries in exchange for fundraising commitments.

By aligning your passion with a cause, not only do you contribute towards social impact but also gain access to exclusive perks such as training support and community camaraderie.

Sustainable Participation Methods

To ensure sustainable participation in marathons and similar events, consider utilising training plans incorporating concepts such as interval running, cross-training, and active recovery.

These approaches reduce the risk of overuse injuries while improving overall fitness levels. Integrate wearable technology like heart rate monitors or GPS watches to monitor training loads and prevent excessive strain.

Furthermore, implement dynamic warm-up routines and cooldown stretches to enhance flexibility and reduce muscle soreness post-event.

Marathon Medical Examination Insights

Get a clear understanding of consultations with medical professionals – essential for obtaining your marathon medical certificate.

Ready to learn more?

Comprehensive Health Checks

For a thorough marathon medical certificate, comprehensive health checks are crucial. These evaluations include detailed assessments of your overall health and fitness. The process involves examining vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature to ensure your body is well-prepared for the demands of long-distance running.

Other aspects such as joint flexibility and muscle strength will also be scrutinised to identify any potential issues that could affect your performance or lead to injury during the event.

Additionally, these medical reviews often encompass assessment of your cardiovascular health. This valuable examination offers insights into your heart’s health, allowing medical professionals to detect any irregularities that could pose risks during prolonged physical exertion.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Tests at Rest

Some elite events, or events that take part in Italy may require ECGs. Resting electrocardiogram (ECG) tests are painless and non-invasive procedures that measure the electrical activity of your heart. Electrodes are placed on your chest, arms, and legs to record the heart’s rhythm and electrical impulses.

The ECG provides valuable insights into your heart’s health, identifying abnormal rhythms, signs of previous heart attacks, or conditions such as arrhythmias. This essential diagnostic tool can help detect underlying cardiac issues and assess your cardiovascular fitness for marathon participation.

Moving on to “Comprehensive Physical Checks”…

Consultation with a Medical Professional

Before participating in a marathon, it’s crucial to consult with a medical professional. This consultation is essential to ensure your readiness and physical health for the event. A medical professional can conduct a thorough assessment of your overall well-being, provide tailored advice on training regimens, and address any specific concerns you may have regarding the race.

This preparation stage involves discussing pre-existing conditions, obtaining personalised fitness recommendations, and understanding potential risks associated with extreme physical exertion.

Consulting with a doctor specialising in sports medicine or cardiovascular health can help tailor your training plan according to your individual needs and enhance your performance while minimising the risk of injury during the marathon.

Event-Specific Medical Documentation

5. Event-Specific Medical Documentation:.

– Different requirements for half marathons

– Health clearance for triathlons

– Fitness certificates for Ironman races and divers

Certificates for Half Marathons

Half marathon certificate requirements vary, but most events mandate a medical clearance from a registered practitioner. This typically involves a physical exam and an assessment of your fitness to participate in the half marathon.

The certification process also ensures that any underlying health issues are identified and addressed before you lace up those running shoes.

Moving on to the next section, let’s delve into the nuances of Triathlon Health Clearance

Triathlon Health Clearance

To participate in a triathlon, you’ll need a medical certificate confirming your fitness level. This involves a thorough evaluation to ensure you’re physically prepared for the demands of such an event.

The clearance will typically cover aspects like cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal function, and overall physical readiness. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional trained in sports medicine or physical fitness to obtain this essential document.

Ironman Race Fitness Certificates

Transitioning from triathlon health clearance to Ironman race fitness certificates, individuals participating in an Ironman event are required to obtain specific medical documentation to demonstrate their fitness for such a challenging endurance competition.

This certificate typically entails comprehensive physical assessments and evaluations tailored towards the demanding nature of an Ironman race, ensuring participants are adequately prepared for the complexities of this athletic endeavor.

Competing in an Ironman race necessitates meticulous preparation, not only physically but also in terms of meeting the stringent medical requirements. The certification process involves a thorough examination underpinning the ever-evolving realm of endurance sports, seeking more than just basic fitness levels.

Medical Requirements for Divers

Divers must fulfil specific medical requirements before embarking on their underwater adventures. These standards are essential for ensuring participants’ safety and well-being during these physically demanding activities.

A comprehensive physical examination, including a review of the diver’s medical history, is necessary to identify any conditions that could pose risks while diving. The presence of issues like heart disease or lung disorders may require further evaluation by a physician with expertise in diving medicine.

Scuba diving health credentials go beyond just general fitness; they encompass specialised assessments tailored towards the unique physiological challenges encountered underwater. Factors such as respiratory health, ear and sinus functioning, and even psychological well-being play pivotal roles in determining an individual’s suitability for scuba diving activities.

Scuba Diving Health Credentials

To indulge in scuba diving, obtaining the necessary medical certification is vital. A fitness certificate specifically tailored for diving ensures that your health is robust enough to navigate the complexities of underwater exploration.

Understanding event-specific medical documentation demands meticulous attention. Whether you’re embarking on half-marathon dives or engaging in triathlon competitions involving underwater segments, having bespoke scuba diving health certification safeguards against daunting dangers lurking beneath the ocean’s surface.

It’s advisable to seek more than just an ordinary medical certificate; unlocking the secrets of specialised diving health credentials ensures safe and enjoyable experiences while exploring the heart of marine wonders.

Concepts: Fitness Certificate for Diving, Comprehensive Physical Examination, Specific Tests for Diving (e.g., Lung Function Evaluation), Consulting with Diving Medicine Specialist

After understanding the importance of marathon medical certificates and learning the steps to obtain one, you are now equipped with valuable insights. Consider factors like event registration requirements, preparation guidelines and sustainable participation methods.

Ensure your marathon medical examination is comprehensive and includes consultations with a medical professional. Remember to acquire event-specific medical documentation if necessary for events such as half marathons, triathlons, ironman races or diving.

To embark on your marathon journey confidently, prioritise securing your well-deserved marathon medical certificate!