Get your medical certificate from £37

Get an Online Medical Certificate in London

Are you based in London? We provide you with a quick and convenient way to get sick notes and other medical letters when you need it.

✓ Apply 24/7 with no appointment necessary
✓ Avoid long appointment wait-times
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Cases reviewed & Signed by a fully registered GP
✓ Sent to your inbox with optional overnight service


Get your medical certificate delivered straight to your inbox from £37


What our happy customers are saying

How it Works


Complete a short online questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a short medical questionnaire and upload a 30 second video of your symptoms or other medical evidence.


Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our FCDO and GMC registered GPs will review and validate the submitted medical evidence.

medical certificate medical letter sick note


Receive your certificate

Receive your sick note as soon as same day or next working day, straight to your inbox.


Sick Notes We Offer


Sick Note for Work

Receive a formal confirmation of your sickness, ensuring you obtain sick leave from work.

Letters are easily verified for authenticity by your workplace, providing peace of mind to both you and your employer.



Student sick leave letter

Obtain official confirmation of your mitigating circumstances, supporting your academic needs. Ensure your situation is properly considered by presenting a reliable Student Sick Leave Letter Our Student Sick Leave Letters are widely accepted by UK colleges and universities.


Pregnancy Fit-to-Fly Certificate

Expectant mothers can receive a fit-to-fly letter ensuring no unnecessary delays or hiccups on the day of travel. Many airlines may require a Fit for Flight Letter for Expecting Mothers from an eligible healthcare professional. Present your letter confidently, as it is accepted by airlines worldwide.



Emergency Cancellation Letter for Travel

Obtain your certification quickly and effortlessly with no appointments necessary. Our letters are accepted by airlines, travel insurers, accommodation providers, and holiday companies. Obtain official confirmation of your unforeseen medical circumstances, supporting your need for cancellation.


Mini Right

About Us

Medical Cert

  • Medical Cert is powered by experienced general practitioners providing quick & hassle-free GP certification services

    All of our doctors are licensed GPs who hold full registration with the UK General Medical Council and have extensive experience in providing high quality clinical care in various NHS and private settings. All of our doctors are registered with the FCDO and authorised to issue visa medicals.




 1-2 day delivery.

 Delivered to your inbox.

 Signed by a fully registered GP.



 ✅ Next day delivery before 9AM.

 ✅ Delivered to your inbox.

 ✅ Signed by a fully registered GP.

Get an Online Medical Certificate in London

Getting a medical certificate in London can be tough if you’re busy. Good news: You can now do it online, easily. This article shows you how to get one from your home quickly. Keep reading to learn more!

Benefits of Online Medical Certificates in London

Get your medical certificate in London quickly and easily through online consultations with GMC-certified General Practitioners. Same-day service is available, endorsed by leading companies, ensuring professionalism and efficiency.

Ease and Speed of Process

Getting an online medical certificate in London is quick and easy. You do not have to wait for days or travel long distances. The whole process, from the initial health consultation to getting your certificate, happens fast.

This means you can save a lot of time.

Doctors certified by the General Medical Council are ready to help you through digital healthcare platforms. They review your health info quickly and make sure your medical evidence is solid for whatever you need, be it sports, work, or travel.

This way, you get reliable service without any delay.

Availability of Same-day Service

Moving from how easy and fast it is to get an online medical certificate, patients in London will also find the option of same-day service very helpful. This means you can book an appointment and have your medical certificate ready on the same day.

It’s great for when you need proof of health quickly for work or other reasons.

Express services make it possible to deliver your medical document right away. You won’t have to wait long at all. Doctors who are part of this quick process are certified by the General Medical Council (GMC), ensuring high standards.

Same-day service brings peace of mind when you’re under pressure.

Professionalism of GMC-certified General Practitioners

GMC-certified General Practitioners (GPs) follow strict rules set by the General Medical Council. These guidelines make sure patients get safe and effective care. Doctors must keep learning and respect their patients’ privacy.

Trust is key between a patient and their GP. This trust makes healthcare better for everyone.

These doctors play a big role in the UK’s health system. They ensure that every visit, diagnosis, or treatment follows high professional standards. Their commitment leads to happier patients, more satisfied doctors, and stronger healthcare organisations.

The hard work of these GPs supports the whole community’s well-being.

Endorsements from Leading Companies

Leading businesses also support online medical certificates. They trust the service because it makes employees’ lives easier. Workers can quickly get a doctor’s note and return to work without delay.

This trust from big companies shows how reliable and helpful the service is.

Big brands see value in quick healthcare services like this. It keeps their teams healthy and reduces time off work. They know that happy, healthy employees are more productive. This endorsement highlights the effectiveness of online medical services for both staff and employers.

Steps to Acquire an Online Medical Certificate in London

Acquire an online medical certificate in London by initiating a health consultation, getting evaluated by a doctor, and obtaining the medical certificate. To delve deeper into this process, continue reading for more insights.

Initiating an Online Health Consultation

Starting an online health consultation is simple. First, choose a telemedicine platform in London. Make sure it connects you with GMC-certified doctors. Next, create your user profile on the site.

This involves entering personal details such as your name and medical history.

After setting up your profile, book your appointment. You can often find same-day slots available. This process makes getting medical advice fast and convenient from anywhere.

Evaluation by a Doctor

A doctor looks at the info you provided after you buy the medical letter online. These doctors are fully licensed and registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). They check your health details carefully to make sure everything is correct.

HealthHero says, ‘Our GMC-registered GPs provide quality care.’

They decide if you need a medical certificate based on what they find. If they agree you should have one, they write it for you. This process makes sure patients get safe and proper care from healthcare professionals who know what they’re doing.

Issuance of the Medical Certificate

After the doctor evaluates your situation, they quickly send out the medical certificate. This process is all digital. You can get it on your computer or smartphone without waiting for mail.

The system makes sure everything stays private and follows rules set by health overseers.

You need this certificate for jobs, sports, or travel. In London, online services make getting one easy and fast. They use secure internet to keep your details safe. Once you get the certificate, you can use it right away for whatever needs you have.


You now have the opportunity to conveniently obtain your medical certificate online in London without lengthy waits or appointments. The process is quick and easy, with same-day service available at affordable prices.

Updoc, a trusted platform used by over 45,000 customers in the UK, ensures a smooth and reliable experience for acquiring various types of medical certificates from the comfort of your home.

Whether it’s for employment, sports, travel, or insurance purposes, obtaining a medical certificate has never been more accessible and hassle-free!