Get your medical certificate from £37

Sick Notes and Extensions For University Assignments

Medical sickness certificate required for sick notes And extensions For university Assignments.

✓ No appointment required
✓ Upload Video evidence
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Signed by a fully registered experienced GP
✓ Sent straight to your inbox

Pricing from £39

Receive a full refund if we can’t provide a certificate

What our customers are saying

How it Works


Complete a short online questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a short medical questionnaire and upload a 30 second video of your symptoms and any other medical evidence.


Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our FCDO and GMC registered GPs will review and validate the submitted medical evidence. They'll start preparing your certificate - or in the rare instance we aren't able to issue one, you'll get a full refund.

medical certificate medical letter sick note


Receive your certificate

Receive your medical certificate or sick note as soon as same day or by 9am next-day, straight to your inbox. You'll receive a PDF of your doctor's note that you can instantly share as needed.


What will you receive?

You will obtain a verifiable digital PDF certificate bearing the signature of a registered medical doctor, sent directly to your mobile device. This document will include the following information:

✓ Your name, date of birth, and address.
✓ Details of your sickness or medical condition, including the onset of symptoms and current status (ongoing or recovered).
✓ Signed and authorised by one of our General Medical Council (GMC) registered UK GPs.
✓ Contact information for Medical Cert for verification purposes.




 ✅ Next day delivery before 9AM.

 ✅ Delivered to your inbox.

 ✅ Signed by a fully registered GP.


Asked Questions

How do I get an urgent medical letter or certificate?

It’s quick and easy! Simply complete the brief online questionnaire and complete the payment. After purchasing your medical letter online, a doctor will review the medical evidence the same day and we will provide you with your unique medical certificate for you to present to your work place or institution. There is no need to have a telemedicine or online consultation to receive a medical letter. Our Doctors may call or email you directly if they have any additional questions.

Can I get a sick note or medical letter without seeing a doctor?

All medical letters including sick notes must be signed and certified by a doctor, but you do not always need to see a GP to get one. Our revolutionary service allows you to be assessed by one of our GPs without needing an appointment, simply by uploading your concerns and evidence through our forms. One of our GPs will then consider your medical history, current symptoms, and any potential risks associated with your condition and work or study environment before issuing your medical certificate. You will then receive the letter directly to your inbox.

What medical evidence will you require?

We will require you to upload:
✓ A photo / copy of your Passport or driver’s licence to confirm your identity
✓ Complete a short medical questionnaire
✓ Upload a short video or photographs via your mobile confirming your symptoms and reason for a medical letter

Do you provide refunds?

We always provide full refunds if we are unable to provide a Medical Letter in your situation, so you can submit your requests with peace of mind. Once a medical certificate or sick note has been issued we are unable to offer refunds.

How soon will I receive my medical letter or certificate?

Our team of GPs will review your medical evidence and questionnaire on the same day and provide you with your medical letter or certificate within 1 working day. We also offer a guaranteed by 9 a.m. service for medical letters for evidence that has been uploaded by 11 p.m. (UTC/GMT) Sunday - Thursday. With our express overnight service you will receive your medical letter or certificate in your inbox overnight by 9 a.m. the next day. For example, an application submitted at 11 p.m. on a Thursday night will be assessed and delivered by 9 a.m. on Friday morning.

Who will sign my Medical Letters and medical certificates?

All of the doctors at Medical Cert are fully licensed GMC-registered GPs, unlike many other services who use very junior non-specialist doctors, which may sometimes cause their letters to be rejected. You can submit any letters you receive from Medical Cert with full confidence, knowing that an experienced GP has signed your document. We are a UK based healthcare service but the certificates can be used internationally. All of our Doctors are registered GPs with the UK General Medical Council.

Can a sick leave letter be backdated?

Yes, we are able to backdate letters provided you are able to submit some evidence to indicate when you became unwell. Our sick notes are valid for up to 14 days at a time, but can be extended if you remain unwell.

Can you complete a specific form required by my institution or workplace?

Yes, in most cases we can help with special forms required by some institutions. Simply upload the required form with your medical evidence.

Can your doctor’s letters be verified by my workplace or institution?

Absolutely. Each letter or certificate issued will have a unique reference number and can be verified free of charge by emailing us at

Can you issue an NHS “Statement of Fitness for Work” also known as “Fit Notes”?

We facilitate access to private medical letters and do not issue Med3 Fit Notes. Med3 Fit Notes are required for UK government benefit applications and can be obtained through your registered NHS GP. If you require a private medical letter for most other purposes, we are here to assist you in obtaining a doctor’s letter conveniently and quickly.

Feeling overwhelmed by university assignments? You’re not alone. A valid sick note can be a lifeline when life throws unexpected challenges your way, from illness to personal hurdles.

This article will guide you through the process of getting sick notes and extensions, helping you manage those stressful academic demands. It’s simpler than you think!

What are Sick Notes and Extensions for University Assignments?

A messy student dorm desk with unfinished assignment and approaching deadline.

Sick notes and extensions for university assignments provide flexibility for students facing health or personal challenges. Proper documentation is vital to support the need for an extension or absence from academic responsibilities.

Definition and purpose

Sick notes and extensions for university assignments are forms of documentation students can use. They show that a student had a good reason, like illness or an emergency, to miss deadlines.

A valid sick note is necessary when a student wants more time for their work because of health issues. This could be anything from severe migraines to mental health concerns like anxiety or panic attacks.

These documents serve an important role. They inform the uni that a student has faced something unexpected that stopped them from working as usual. For example, if someone suffers from dyslexia or another learning disability and it affects their coursework completion time, they may request an extension with proper evidence such as assessment reports.

The purpose here is to make sure every student gets a fair chance at doing well in their studies, despite any short-term setbacks they might face.

Importance of proper documentation

Proper documentation is key when you need an extension for your university work. A valid sick note shows that your reason for needing more time is genuine. This helps you get the support and extensions you need without hassle.

Universities often have rules about what they need to see in your documentation. For example, a note from your doctor can make getting an extension much easier.

Having all your paperwork in order also means less stress for you. You won’t have to worry about being questioned on why you need extra time. Instead, you can focus on recovering from illness or dealing with whatever has caused a delay in your studies.

Always check what evidence your university expects and gather it as soon as possible. This might include e-mails about exam stress, a report of a headache with sensitivity to light, or official notices if there’s been a natural disaster affecting your ability to study.

Acceptable Reasons for Needing a Sick Note or Extension

Valid reasons for seeking a sick note or extension at university include physical health issues, mental health concerns, personal disruptions, technical problems, placement-related challenges and other legitimate circumstances.

Physical illness/injury

Having a physical illness or injury can stop you from doing your university work. You might need to rest or go to hospital, which means you can’t attend classes or complete assignments on time.

If this happens, getting a sick note from a doctor is important. This note proves that you are unwell and need extra time for your studies.

Some universities now have new rules about needing doctor’s notes for missed work because of illness or injury. Always check what your university needs if you find yourself in this situation.

For example, if you break an arm and can’t type your essays, the evidence like a doctor’s note helps you ask for more time to do them. Also, remember other health issues like severe headaches or an infection could also mean you need a break from schoolwork.

Mental health concerns

Just as a physical injury can stop you from attending university or completing assignments, mental health conditions play a similar role in affecting academic performance. Students may face challenges such as anxiety, depression, or stress that are just as valid for requesting an extension or sick note.

It’s vital to treat these concerns with the same seriousness as any illness.

Universities recognise that issues like bereavement or breakdowns can impact your ability to work. If you’re dealing with a tough situation, getting support is crucial. You might need to provide evidence of your condition when asking for more time on assignments.

This could involve sharing information about therapy sessions or mention how the problem has affected your daily life and studies. Remember, it’s essential to reach out early and communicate clearly through email or direct contact with university staff who can assist you further.

Personal disruptions

Life throws curveballs, and students aren’t exempt. Personal disruptions like maternity or dealing with the aftermath of childbirth can turn schedules upside down. These events demand time and energy, pulling students away from their studies.

Universities recognise these challenges. They offer support for those facing significant life changes.

For instance, if a student is becoming a parent, they might struggle to meet deadlines. Reading assignments and engaging in class work becomes harder during this period of adjustment.

In such cases, applying for an extension could provide the breathing space needed to balance academic responsibilities with personal developments.

Next up is how to navigate technical issues that may arise during your studies.

Technical issues

Moving from personal disruptions, technical problems also stand as a valid reason for needing an extension. Computers can crash and internet connections might fail at crucial times.

These are common issues that can stop students from finishing their work on time. It’s key to report these problems right away.

Learning disabilities may require the use of special software or tools that sometimes malfunction. When this happens, it can be tough for students to meet deadlines. Schools understand these challenges and often consider them when granting extensions.

Always keep evidence of technical setbacks, like error messages or service outage notifications, to support your request.

Placement-related issues

Placement problems can affect students who must complete work experience or internships as part of their course. Sometimes, these placements get cancelled at the last minute. Or students might face travel issues getting to their placement sites.

These problems are beyond a student’s control and can lead to needing more time for assignments.

Universities know that these setbacks happen. They usually consider them valid reasons for giving an extension on coursework. Students should explain their situation clearly and provide any evidence they have, like emails about the cancellation or travel disruption notices.

This helps make sure they get the extra time they need without penalty.

Other valid reasons

Family emergencies, unexpected transportation issues, and severe weather conditions are additional valid reasons for needing a sick note or extension. These unanticipated situations can significantly impact a student’s ability to meet assignment deadlines and may require proper documentation and support from university services.

It is essential for students to be aware of the policies and procedures in place at their institution to effectively navigate these challenges.

How to Request a Sick Note or Extension

To request a sick note or extension, follow the university’s specific procedures. Provide necessary evidence and seek support from relevant university services.

Steps to follow

Steps to follow for requesting a sick note or assignment extension:

  1. Contact your course tutor or academic adviser to discuss your situation and the need for an extension or sick note.
  2. Obtain necessary forms or documentation requirements from the university’s student support services or online platform.
  3. Provide evidence such as doctor’s notes, medical certificates, or other relevant documentation supporting your request.
  4. Complete any required paperwork accurately and submit it within the specified timeframe, ensuring all necessary details are included.
  5. Keep copies of all submitted documents for your records and future reference.
  6. Follow up with the appropriate department to ensure that your request has been received and is being processed.
  7. If applicable, stay in touch with your support network at university if you encounter any issues during the process of obtaining a sick note or extension.
  8. Be prepared to potentially attend a meeting to further discuss your circumstances with university staff if requested.
  9. Stay informed about the progress of your request and be aware of any additional steps that may be needed in order to finalize the process.

These steps will guide you through the process of requesting a sick note or extension for your university assignments, ensuring that you are well-prepared and supported during this time.

Required evidence

Students requesting sick notes or extensions for university assignments should be prepared to provide evidence of their circumstances. This can include a doctor’s note for physical illness or injury, documentation from mental health professionals for mental health concerns, and relevant proof for personal disruptions, technical issues, placement-related problems, or any other valid reasons affecting their ability to meet assignment deadlines.

It is important to familiarise oneself with the specific evidence requirements outlined by the university and seek assistance from support services if needed.

To request a sick note or extension successfully, students must understand what constitutes acceptable evidence and where to access the necessary documentation. Adequate preparation in gathering required evidence significantly improves the chances of obtaining the support needed during challenging academic periods.

Accessing university support services can also provide guidance on compiling essential evidence without unnecessary delays.

Next heading: Additional Resources for Students

Where to seek support

After providing the required evidence for seeking a sick note or an extension, it’s essential to know where to seek support. University students can turn to various avenues for assistance, including university support services and disability support services if they encounter challenges related to health or personal issues that impact their academic responsibilities.

These resources offer guidance on managing academic workload, lodging academic appeals and complaints, and navigating through placement-related issues. Staying informed about these available resources is crucial for students in need of additional assistance during challenging times at university.

Following the necessary steps of providing required evidence when requesting a sick note or an assignment extension, knowing where to seek support is vital for university students.

They can access help from university support services, disability support services, and other relevant avenues when facing challenges affecting their studies due to health or personal reasons.

These services provide valuable advice on managing academic workload, handling academic appeals and complaints professionally, along with addressing placement-related concerns effectively.

Staying updated with these resourceful options is imperative for students requiring extra aid during demanding periods at university.

Additional Resources for Students

Explore university support services, academic appeals and complaints, disability support services, and tips for managing academic workload. Delve into these resources to enhance your university experience.

University support services

University support services provide a range of assistance to students, including academic advice, counselling, and disability support. These services can offer guidance on requesting extensions for assignments due to unexpected circumstances.

Students should familiarise themselves with the resources available at their university to access the necessary support when needed. It is beneficial for students to be aware of the specific procedures and requirements set by their university’s support services in order to navigate potential challenges effectively.

Academic appeals and complaints

When facing difficulties with academic assessments or university decisions, students can file appeals and complaints. These processes address concerns regarding grades, assessment accommodations, and institutional decisions.

Students should familiarise themselves with their university’s specific policies and procedures for lodging academic appeals and complaints as they vary between institutions.

Furthermore, relevant parties such as student unions or advisors can provide guidance on navigating the appeals process. It’s essential for learners to understand the grounds on which an appeal or complaint may be lodged and assemble evidence accordingly.

By following proper channels and providing substantial evidence, students can seek redress for potential injustices within their academic journey.

Disability support services

In addition to academic appeals and complaints, disability support services provide essential assistance to students. These services offer accommodations and resources for students with disabilities, ensuring equal access to education.

Support may include exam arrangements, note-taking assistance, accessible course materials, and counseling. To benefit from these services, students typically need to provide evidence of their disability and meet with a disability advisor at the university.

Students can access vital support through disability services at universities. Accommodations such as exam arrangements and counseling are available for individuals with disabilities to ensure equitable access to education.

Evidence of a disability is usually required alongside meetings with a designated advisor.

Tips for managing academic workload

Here are some tips for managing your academic workload:

  1. Prioritise tasks based on deadlines and importance to ensure you tackle the most crucial work first.
  2. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks to make them less overwhelming.
  3. Create a schedule or timetable to allocate specific times for studying, completing assignments, and taking breaks.
  4. Use tools like calendars, planners, or time management apps to help organise your academic commitments.
  5. Seek support from university services such as academic advisers or mentors for guidance on effective study techniques and time management strategies.
  6. Avoid procrastination by starting assignments early and setting realistic goals for completion.
  7. Find a suitable study environment that minimises distractions and promotes focus and concentration.
  8. Practice self-care to maintain mental and physical well-being, including regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep.

These tips can assist in maintaining a balanced approach to your studies while effectively managing your academic workload.

Obtaining a University Sick Note

To obtain a university sick note, students must schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional within the first 24 hours of illness. The note serves as evidence for missed classes or exams, alleviating the need for further documentation.

It’s vital to understand your university’s policy regarding sick notes; some institutions may not require it for short-term illnesses but necessitate one for prolonged absences. Ensure you familiarise yourself with these regulations and seek support from your university’s health services if needed.

Students should promptly schedule a medical appointment after falling ill to obtain a university sick note, which serves as evidence for missed classes or exams and eliminates the necessity of additional documentation.

Understanding their university’s policy on sick notes is crucial as different institutions have varying requirements – while some may not ask for it in case of short-term illnesses, they might mandate its submission following extended absences.

Therefore, staying informed about these guidelines is essential; students requiring assistance can reach out to their university’s health services when necessary.


When needing a sick note or extension, it’s important to understand the acceptable reasons and how to request one. Proper documentation is crucial for accessing university support services and managing unexpected circumstances.

By staying informed about policies and seeking necessary assistance, students can efficiently handle academic challenges.


1. What is a sick note for university assignments?

A sick note for university assignments is a document from your doctor to confirm that you’ve been ill and it might affect your ability to complete work.

2. Can I get an extension on my assignment if I have a valid sick note?

Yes, most universities will grant an extension for assignments if you provide a valid sick note showing you were too unwell to complete the work in time.

3. How do I submit my sick note to the university?

You usually need to give your sick note directly to the department responsible for student welfare or academic affairs at your university.

4. What happens if I don’t hand in my assignment on time without having a valid reason like illness?

If you fail to submit your assignment on time without any acceptable reason such as providing a genuine medical certificate, this can lead to penalties including marks deduction or even failure of the course.