Get your medical certificate from £37

Medical Fitness Certificate

Medical certificate required to confirm you are fit to return to your place of work or start a new role, from £37

✓ Apply 24/7 with no appointment necessary
✓ Avoid long appointment wait-times
✓ Do it without leaving your home
✓ Signed by a fully registered GP
✓ Sent to your inbox with optional overnight service



Standard Service

£55 - Receive your medical certificate within 2-4 business days


Express Service

£59 - Your request prioritized and certificate issued within 24hrs or sooner


What our happy customers are saying

How it works

1. Complete an online health questionnaire

No appointment required – simply complete a medical health questionnaire on our website 24/7.

2. Doctor Reviews Evidence

One of our GMC-registered GPs will review and the submitted medical evidence and make a recommendation.

medical certificate medical letter sick note

3. Receive your certificate

Receive your sports medical certificate as soon as same day or within a few working days, straight to your inbox.


What will you receive?

Unless you have a specific form you would like our doctors to sign, you will obtain a verifiable PDF medical certificate bearing the signature of a registered medical doctor, sent directly to your mobile device. This document will include the following information:

✓ Your name and date of birth
✓ Confirmation that you are fit to participate in the sports event
✓ Accepted by events Internationally
✓ Signed and authorised by one of our General Medical Council (GMC) registered UK doctors.
✓ Contact information for Medical Cert for verification purposes.


Asked Questions

How do I get a sports medical certificate?

Simply complete the online questionnaire and complete the payment. After purchasing your medical certificate online, a doctor will review the information provided, and where appropriate will provide you with a certificate for your event. There is no need to have a telemedicine or online consultation to receive a medical letter. Our Doctors may call or email you directly if they have any additional questions.

Can I get a sports medical letter without seeing a doctor?

You do not always need to see a doctor to get one. Our revolutionary service allows you to be assessed by one of our doctors without needing an appointment, simply by uploading your concerns and evidence through our forms. One of our doctors will then consider your medical history, current fitness, and any potential risks associated with your condition for the event before issuing your medical certificate. You will then receive the letter directly to your inbox.

Can you sign the Paris Marathon issued medical certificate?

Absolutely. At the end of our consultation form you'll be given the opportunity to upload any specific forms you need signed. Our doctors regularly sign the Paris Marathon medical certificate for participants.

What will the sports medical certificate say?

Our doctors will evaluate the information you submit and make a judgement on whether an online sports certificate is appropriate for you. If yes, the certificate will say that there are no contraindications to your participation in the sporting event. But we cannot "guarantee fitness".

What information will you require from me?

We will require you to upload:
✓ A photo / copy of your Passport or driver’s licence to confirm your identity
✓ Complete a medical questionnaire
Helpful information to have to hand when completing the form includes your blood pressure, your cholesterol level (screenshots of blood tests from your NHS app is sufficient), and medical history (this can be your summary health record available freely via your GP). These are not required for the certificate, but are very helpful for our doctors to have.

Do you provide refunds?

We always provide full refunds if we are unable to provide a sports Medical certificate in your situation, so you can submit your requests with peace of mind. Once a medical certificate has been issued we are unable to offer refunds.

How soon will I receive my medical letter or certificate?

Our team of GPs will review your medical evidence and questionnaire on the same day and can provide you with your Medical Letter or Certificate within 1 working day. We also offer a guaranteed by 9am service for Medical letters for evidence that has been uploaded by 11pm GMT. With our express overnight service you will receive your medical letter or certificate in your inbox overnight by 9am next day.

Who will sign my sports medical certificates?

All of the doctors at Medical Cert are fully licensed GMC-registered GPs. We are a UK based healthcare service but the certificates can be used internationally. All of our Doctors are registered GPs with the UK General Medical Council.

Can you complete a specific form required by my event ?

Yes, in most cases we can help with special forms required by some events. Simply upload the required form with your medical evidence.

Can your doctor’s letters be verified?

Absolutely. Each letter or certificate issued will have a unique reference number and can be verified free of charge by emailing us at

Can you provide "full diagnostic testing?"

Since we are an online service we are do not perform such tests as ECG, urine analysis and spirometry tests. If you have received these tests elsewhere, you can upload them with your form for our doctors to review.

What would prevent me from getting a signed sports medical certificate?

Our doctors will review each case individually based on the information provided in your e-consultation form. For a healthy person with no medical issues, there is usually nothing that prevents our doctors from producing a certificate for you. If our doctors have any questions regarding your health they will contact you.

Can you sign Sports Certificates for Italian Events?

If your sporting event is in Italy, Italian law for medical sports certification requires you to undertake the following tests within 12 months of your event: a. Resting ECG and a Stress ECG b. Spirometry (a lung function/breath test) You will need to upload the results for the following tests if you would like your Italian sports medical certificate signed. These tests are easily available via various private health providers.

Do you provide certificates for all kinds of sports?

Currently we do not perform the following sports assessments: aviation sports, skydiving events, driving medicals, olympic sports, scuba diving events, or other extreme competitive sports. These will require in-depth testing via a face-to-face sports specialist doctor.

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About Us

Medical Cert

  • Medical Cert is powered by a team of experienced doctors providing quick & hassle-free medical certification services

    All of our doctors are licensed GPs who hold full registration with the UK General Medical Council and have extensive experience in providing high quality clinical care in various NHS and private settings.

Finding the right words for a sports medical certificate online can be tricky. One fact you might not know is that this document plays a critical role in many official processes. Our article will guide you through what to include in such certificates, making things clear and simple. Keep reading to find out more.

Key Takeaways

  • Include the patient’s name, date of birth, and the dates when examinations took place to accurately identify who the medical fitness certificate refers to. These details help avoid any confusion and make sure that health assessments are correctly matched with the individual.
  • The certificate must clearly confirm that an individual is in good mental and physical health. If there are any specific conditions or limitations, they need to be stated clearly. This information comes from a qualified medical practitioner which adds credibility to the document.
  • Any existing physical or medical conditions that might impact an individual’s ability to perform certain tasks should definitely be mentioned in the certificate. Knowing about such conditions allows for necessary adjustments and support at work or during other activities.
  • A qualified medical practitioner’s certification verifies an individual’s fitness level after conducting a thorough examination. Their endorsement confirms whether someone is fit for employment, travel, or engaging in various physical activities based on their current health status.
  • Medical fitness certificates are key in reassuring employers about an employee’s ability to handle job duties safely and efficiently. They also play a critical role when traveling, engaging in adventurous activities like trekking, or complying with COVID-19 restrictions by demonstrating one’s health status.

Elements of a Medical Fitness Certificate

A Medical Fitness Certificate includes the patient’s personal details, confirmation of their overall health, any existing medical conditions, and is endorsed by a qualified medical practitioner. It plays a crucial role in determining an individual’s fitness for various purposes such as work, travel, or outdoor activities.

Patient’s name, date of birth, and examination dates

Including the patient’s name, date of birth, and examination dates on a medical fitness certificate ensures accurate identification and relevance. Every fitness assessment document begins with these basic but crucial details to prevent any mix-ups and guarantee that the health evaluation corresponds directly to the individual in question. Medical practitioners meticulously record examination dates alongside personal information. This practice confirms that the patient underwent a thorough medical checkup at specified times. These timestamps are vital for assessing the currentness of the health certificate, especially for employment or travel purposes where recent evaluations are often required.

Confirmation of good mental and physical health

The medical fitness certificate must confirm good mental and physical health using clear language. If any specific conditions or limitations exist, they should be clearly stated. The confirmation should be provided by a qualified medical practitioner to lend credibility to the assessment. It is advisable for the medical fitness certificate to unequivocally declare the individual’s good mental and physical health status while mentioning any existing medical conditions or restrictions that may affect their ability to perform certain activities related to work, travel, or other engagements.

Mention of any physical or medical conditions

The medical fitness certificate should include any physical or medical conditions that may affect the individual’s ability to perform certain duties. It is essential for employers to be aware of such conditions in order to provide necessary support and make appropriate accommodations, if required. This information enables comprehensive decision-making about an employee’s fitness for specific job roles and responsibilities.

Certification by a qualified medical practitioner

A qualified medical practitioner certifies the fitness of an individual after a thorough examination. The certification confirms the person’s health status, ensuring they are physically and mentally fit for specific purposes, such as employment, travel or participation in physical activities. The certified medical practitioner delivers assurance to employers and officials regarding the individual’s capability to engage in work or other activities. It provides information on any existing health issues and helps in addressing them effectively. This document holds significant importance in various realms – from helping individuals pursue their ambitions by confirming their fitness for duty, to ensuring safety during travel or trekking adventures.

Importance of a Medical Fitness Certificate

A medical fitness certificate reassures employers of an employee’s fitness for work and is essential for travel, trekking, and COVID-19 restrictions. For more details, read the full article on our website.

Reassures employers of an employee’s fitness for work

An online medical certificate in the UK reassures employers that an employee is physically and mentally fit for work. It confirms the individual’s ability to carry out job responsibilities without any health-related limitations, giving peace of mind to employers regarding the employee’s well-being in the workplace. Employers can feel confident about an employee’s readiness to perform tasks effectively and safely when armed with a medical fitness certificate. This essential document plays a vital role in ensuring a healthy workforce, contributing to overall productivity and efficiency. Next heading: “Helps identify and address any health issues”

Helps identify and address any health issues

A medical fitness certificate plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing any health issues. By undergoing a thorough examination, individuals are able to gain insights into their current health status, enabling them to take necessary steps for preventive care. This proactive approach empowers individuals to address potential health concerns before they escalate, leading to better overall well-being.

Required for travel, trekking, and COVID-19 restrictions

A medical fitness certificate is necessary for individuals planning to travel, trek, or navigate through COVID-19 restrictions. It’s an essential document required by authorities prior to obtaining certain permits or permissions. For travel and trekking purposes, it ensures that individuals are physically fit for the activities they are about to embark upon. Additionally, in light of current global health concerns like COVID-19, this certificate may be necessary as part of health clearance requirements before embarking on international travel.


In a medical fitness certificate, the patient’s name, date of birth, and examination dates should be clearly stated. It needs to confirm good mental and physical health and mention any underlying medical conditions. The certification must come from a qualified medical practitioner to hold validity. This certificate is crucial as it reassures employers of an individual’s fitness for work and helps identify any potential health issues. Additionally, it is necessary for travel, trekking adventures, or navigating COVID-19 restrictions.