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Sick Notes And Exam Rescheduling: A Student’s Guide

Feeling under the weather on exam day is tough. Schools ask for a letter from your mum or dad if you’re sick and can’t take an exam. This article explains how to handle these sticky situations, from getting a sick note to rescheduling exams.

Stay tuned for helpful tips!

Understanding the Exam Rescheduling Policy

To reschedule an exam, students need to meet specific conditions and follow a procedure. It’s important to be familiar with the policy to navigate through any potential rescheduling needs.

Conditions for rescheduling

Students must meet certain conditions to change their exam dates. Schools ask for a sick note from a GP if illness stops you from taking the exam. If you’re in the hospital, the sick note should cover your whole stay.

For other serious situations like bereavement or accidents, schools may need different proof.

Getting everything sorted quickly is key. Contact your school or college right away if you can’t sit an exam because you are unwell. They will tell you what evidence they need, whether it’s a sick note for being ill or other documents for reasons like bereavement.

Always check the school’s policy on changing an exam date to make sure you give them exactly what they require.

How to reschedule an exam

Rescheduling an exam needs a good reason like being sick or having an emergency. Know the steps to take so you can focus on getting better.

  1. Check your school or college’s exam rescheduling policy first. Look for it in your student handbook or on their website.
  2. Contact your school or college as soon as you know you can’t sit the exam. Use email or call them directly.
  3. Get a sick note from your GP if you’re ill. GP practices give fit notes showing you’re not well enough to take the exam.
  4. If you were in hospital, get a note from them too. Hospitals can give sick notes for the time you were there.
  5. Write a letter if needed. Some places want a letter from a parent or guardian explaining why you’re missing the exam.
  6. Gather any other required evidence of why you need to reschedule, like an accident report if you were in one.
  7. Fill out any forms your school or college provides for rescheduling exams. They might have specific ones to use.
  8. Submit all documents and forms to the right person or department as told by your school’s policy.
  9. Wait for confirmation that your request to reschedule has been received and what the next steps are.
  10. Keep all communication regarding the rescheduling process in case there are questions later.

This guide helps ensure you handle everything correctly so your focus can stay on recovery and preparation for when the exam is rescheduled, making sure no detail is missed out on during this stressful time.

Common Reasons for Rescheduling Exams

Illness, bereavement, or involvement in an accident can lead to the need for rescheduling exams. Proper understanding of these reasons is crucial for students.


Being sick can mess up your exam plans. If you wake up feeling unwell on the day of your test, it’s crucial to act fast. You should tell your school or college right away. They need to know so they can help with rescheduling your exam.

For this process, a sick note is often necessary.

Getting a sick note means visiting your GP practice or the hospital if you’re admitted. These places can give out fit notes explaining that you’re not well enough for the exam. These notes must match the dates of illness; they cannot be written for future dates.

After getting one, make sure to provide it to your school as proof of why you missed the exam.


Just like dealing with illness, losing a loved one can also lead to needing an exam rescheduled. Schools understand that grief affects focus and performance. They often have policies in place for such situations under adverse circumstances policy guidelines.

Students may need to provide evidence of their loss, similar to how sick notes work for illnesses. This could mean showing a death certificate or a letter from a funeral home.

If you find yourself grieving and facing exams, reach out to your school as soon as you can. Tell them about your situation and ask about the process for rescheduling due to bereavement.

It’s important not to wait too long so that arrangements can be made in time. Your focus should be on healing, not stressing over exams during such a difficult period.

Involvement in an accident

If a student gets hurt in an accident, they might need to reschedule their exams. This falls under the adverse circumstances policy. They should tell their school or college right away if they can’t take an exam because of this.

Getting a fit note from GP practices is often necessary to show they were really in an accident and need to miss the exam.

To do this, students must gather any evidence about the accident like reports or hospital admission notes if they went there. Schools may ask for a detailed letter explaining what happened.

This helps prove why the student couldn’t sit for the exam on the planned date.

The Importance of Getting a Sick Note

Getting a sick note is essential for proving your absence. You need it to provide evidence and support your rescheduling request.

How to obtain a sick note

Obtaining a sick note is essential if you’re too ill to take an exam. Your GP or the hospital can issue one if necessary.

  1. Know when you need a sick note: If you’re not well enough to sit for an exam, get a sick note as soon as possible.
  2. Visit your GP: For most cases, your first point of call should be your general practitioner (GP). They can assess your condition and decide if you’re unfit for the exam.
  3. Explain your symptoms clearly: Be honest about how you’re feeling. Your GP needs accurate information to provide the right advice.
  4. Get a fit note from the GP: If the GP agrees that you’re too ill for the exam, they will issue a fit note. This document explains why you can’t attend.
  5. For hospital stays, acquire a note there: If you’re admitted to a hospital, staff can provide documentation to cover your absence during the stay.
  6. Act quickly on exam day: If illness strikes on the day of your exam, contact your school or college immediately to inform them.
  7. Submit your sick note: Forward the note to your school or college as proof of illness so they can consider rescheduling your exam.

Understanding these steps ensures that students know how to properly report their illness and have their exams rescheduled accordingly. Moving forward, let’s explore common reasons why exams might be rescheduled beyond just sickness.

Providing evidence for your absence

To show why you missed an exam, you need proper proof. GP practices can give fit notes if a doctor says you were too ill to take your test. This piece of paper proves you needed to miss the exam for health reasons.

If you’re too sick on the day of the exam, it’s crucial to tell your school or college quickly. For younger students, parents or guardians might need to write a letter explaining the illness.

Sometimes, hospitals provide sick notes for students who had to stay in as patients. These notes cover all days spent in hospital care and confirm that taking an exam was not possible during this time.

Keeping these documents safe is important since schools may ask for them when discussing rescheduling exams due to sickness or other serious conditions like being terminally ill.

Tips for Avoiding the Need to Reschedule Exams

– Prioritise self-care and manage stress effectively.

– Develop strong study habits to enhance preparedness.

Practicing self-care

Practising self-care is vital for students to maintain well-being during their studies. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active. It’s essential to recognise when stress levels are high and take steps to manage it through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.

Additionally, seeking support from resources available at the institution, like student counselling services or mental health helplines, can provide valuable assistance in managing stress and maintaining good mental health.

Developing effective study habits

Transitioning from prioritising self-care to developing effective study habits is crucial for students facing exam rescheduling. Understanding how to effectively manage study time, utilising mnemonic devices for memorisation, and seeking guidance from academic resources are key aspects of establishing productive study routines.

Incorporating strategies such as creating a designated study space and implementing the Pomodoro Technique can enhance learning retention and overall academic performance. Engaging in regular review sessions and practising active recall techniques have been proven to bolster information retention, which is vital for achieving success in exams amidst challenging circumstances.

Utilising flashcards, leveraging digital tools like Quizlet, and engaging in peer-led study groups are valuable approaches when fostering advantageous studying habits. Implementing these practices not only supports adaptive learning but also promotes long-term knowledge acquisition that proves beneficial beyond examination periods.

By adhering to structured revision timetables tailored towards individual learning styles, students can fortify their comprehension of subject matter while concurrently mitigating the need for exam rescheduling due to inadequate preparation or understanding.

These pragmatic approaches align with the overarching goal of optimising scholastic proficiency amidst unexpected adversities.

Seeking support from resources available

If you’re facing challenges related to exam rescheduling due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, seeking help from your school’s student services, such as counsellors or academic advisors, can provide valuable support.

These professionals are equipped to offer guidance and assistance in navigating the process of rescheduling exams and obtaining necessary documentation like sick notes. Additionally, reaching out to relevant organisations like student unions or welfare officers can connect you with further resources and support tailored towards students’ specific needs during difficult times.

In times of need for exam rescheduling due to illness or other adversities, it’s crucial for students to tap into available resources for support. Counsellors, academic advisors, student unions and welfare officers can offer valuable guidance and assistance tailored towards students’ specific needs during challenging periods.

By leveraging these available resources, students can navigate the complexities associated with rescheduling exams more effectively while ensuring their well-being is prioritised throughout the process.


In conclusion, understanding the exam rescheduling policy and obtaining a sick note are crucial for students facing unexpected challenges. Knowing how to navigate these procedures when it comes to unforeseen circumstances can alleviate stress in the realm of education.

By seeking support from relevant entities such as schools, GP practices, and parents, students can unlock the secrets of effectively managing illness-related exam disruptions. Remember that proactive communication and meticulous planning underpin success in navigating complexities surrounding sick notes and exam rescheduling.


1. What do I need to provide if I’m sick and can’t take my exam?

You must give a sick note from your doctor if you’re too ill for your exam. This note proves you were unwell.

2. Can I reschedule my FRCR exam if I have a terminal illness?

Yes, with evidence like a sick or doctor’s note showing you have a serious illness, you can reschedule your FRCR exam.

3. How do I pay for the new exam date after rescheduling?

Use your credit card or debit card to pay for the new exam date online. Make sure your payment goes through correctly.

4. What should I do if I lost my driving licence before the exam day?

If you lose your driving licence right before the exam, report it and apply for a replacement immediately. You might need it as ID on the day of your test.